So my good friend Scott sent me the Flatliner's leaked new album, Cavalcade, as well as the Cynics 7" that I'm really enjoying, so I thought I'd share the love and post it for you guys as well. I'm assuming there is more than one person reading this. Hopefully. Anyway, I thought it was wicked, nothing like Destroy to Create but it reminded me of the Great Awake a lot, which was to be expected. But I was suprised at how much they actually stuck to their sound even after being played on the radio, which I'm super stoked on. I don't know if anyone who would read this blog would actually be interested in these guys considering their ska/punk roots, but they'll always be a favourite of mine so check it out if you'd like! Thanks Scott!
Anyway, on to other less exciting stuff. Gonna go to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully have my stomach looked at. Think there might be a possible ulcer raging inside of my stomach, hell yea. Also just registered to be a tour guide sort of deal for the school in the spring, $11 an hour, could be pretty dec. Also signed up for Radio Laurier, although I probably missed the deadline I'm really hoping I can get a show next year.
On a less positive note! I've been rethinking my life situation lately, wondering what I'm doing here and why. I love music to death, it's my passion and I'd hate myself forever if I didn't do it, but on the other hand, I always promised myself I'd never work towards a career or have a title or normal job, and being here seems to be putting me straight on that path. I don't wanna teach. I'm sure as hell not good enough to make a living off performing. And even if I am, do I really wanna spend the rest of my life stressing and practicing and working my ass off? Yea, but not really. I'd give anything to drop out right now, get on the next plane overseas and just travel and work dead end jobs for the rest of my life. But now that I'm getting older, I'm realizing how utterly impossible that really is, considering the debt I've got from school now, and the fact that if that doesn't work out I probably wouldn't have a hope in hell of getting back into school for music. On the other hand, I could stay in school till I finish my bachelors, and then do it, but that would make these whole 4 years a waste besides the fact that I got a degree which is pretty much useless. I guess what I'm really getting at is that the dreaming days are over now, life is real now, and what I do in these next few years will decide what I'm gonna do for the rest of my life.
But still, I'm in school for the sickest program, having a wicked time doing what I love, so complaining really isn't an option. Enough whining!
PS Animal Collective is rocking my world atm.
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