Thursday, May 6, 2010

fuck sluts

So I've got a bone to pick with those self righteous kids who like to throw around the word 'slut' a little more than they need to. I'm not understanding why the biggest issue for kids our age these days is who and how many people our friends have slept with. I don't get why that could be the deciding factor of judgement over another person. And by person we all know I really mean girl. Because when a guy catches wind of a girls sexual activity they pretty much lose all respect for them, but when a guy friend is exactly the same, if not worse, they're still okay with it and hang out with them like nothing's ever happened. This isn't the dark ages people, don't play ignorant and pretend that having sex is the most evil anyone can do. If you're not hurting anyone, what makes it so wrong? It's too easy to write people off these days over feeble things like that. Get over yourself and look beyond a person's sex life. Cause it really does not matter. Spend your time being concerned over more important issues around you and in the world. Get over yourself and stop judging. This isn't a call out to anyone and it certainly isn't personal, it's just a reminder that having sex doesn't make you a bad person. I will never be sorry or feel guilty for the decisions I make unless they hurt another person. And if you decide you don't want to talk to me because of my sex life, then that's your decision and I'm glad for it because I wouldn't want such a weak minded friend like that in my life. This also has nothing to do with my decision to abstain from sex, because what you think of me is really the least of my worries at this point in my life. Stop hating!
Furthermore, I don't think a girl who sleeps with multiple guys should be considered a slut. Instead, it's girls who sleep with boys for the wrong reasons, such as to hurt somebody, for popularity, or to make somebody like them. That's just what I think though.
Again, it's really not a big issue.

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