My new life goal is to end every day like we did yesterday. This will involve getting ice cream, smoking copious amounts of weed and watching Beavis and Butthead Do America and scary movies with wicked guys every night. So into it. I also bought some wicked stuff off Mike, including This is Hell-Misfortunes, Have Heart 2003 7", the Botch dvd, and a Converge hoodie, and he also threw in I Refuse-The Fire Sermon 7" and some Born Ruffians which I'm super stoked on. Thanks Mike!
Besides all this, to reiterate, life isn't all too exciting. Been on the hunt for a job all week, but I'm hearing from everyone that it's a pretty hopeless game in this town. I'm in serious need of some cash to pay my rent but there's no use getting worried over it at this point. Also had plans to trade in my trumpet for a new professional model for next year, as well as a C trumpet but that's not looking so good at the moment. Neither are my plans to finish my arm this summer. But since everything about this summer has already gone to shit I'm feeling pretty hopeful on it not being able to get worse.
Not saying that life hasn't been great lately, cause it has. All this free time has given me a chance to see a lot of the people I missed and cool down from a stressful year. I'm actually sleeping now, reading again, biking, practicing, and I even went out running yesterday morning. Mind you that was a huge joke that didn't last very long. Apparently I'm way more out of shape than I imagined. There've been a ridiculous amount of awesome nights involving bikes and beers, movies, and tonnes of shenanigans. Namely Saturday night. Nothing like a good house party and drunk moms to make you remember how cool Milton can be. There've been tonnes of out of town visits, thrift store hangs and nacho making. Mother's day proved to be alright too, Emma and I made homemade mac and cheese for mama spence since that was her wish.
Anyway, if you're not going to Crime In Stereo tomorrow then you're an idiot. Super into that line-up, and I'd make the mission if I wasn't in Waterloo for the day. Which is another thing worth mentioning I suppose. I was hired as "Headstart Ambassador" by the university this week, which basically involves getting paid $11 an hour to give the new kids a tour of the university once in a while all summer. Pretty stoked on this, although the only parts of the school I know anything about are the music building and the places that feed me, so this may be a bit of a struggle. Whatever though. Stoked to finally see my house tomorrow and have some sort of money flow, even if it isn't much.
In other news, The Boat that Rocked..or Pirate Radio...or whatever it's called is an unreal movie. Hands down new favourite I highly recommend seeing it as soon as possible. The soundtrack was amazing (obviously) and has been stuck in my head ever since. The cast couldn't be any more perfect, and it's quirky dialogue was just what I was hoping for. It's a must see. Also, although I've been spinning it for weeks, Gaslight's new album, American Slang, is still going strong and I'm loving the shit out of it. Also, Converge and Cursed still rule my life, nothing is new there.
Anyway, tonnes of free time, come out for bikes and beers and sloppy times or just hangs if you want!
PS since I'm all moved into my room again, it's become the perfect santuary. I took some pictures cause I loved the way the lights looked, which didn't turn out so well but I'm posting them anyway.
the xmas lights rule haha.