Thursday, August 27, 2009

Can't sleep again, even though I was tired as hell all day. Had such a fun day yesterday. Ended up going to a show I wasn't originally planning on going to, but I'm glad I did and got to see my best friend's band's first show. And it went so well. I'm super proud of those guys. Also, super proud of myself for staying sober the entire night. I don't think I've been sober at a Milton show in a long time, especially at the church with some of the shittiest kids. Maybe I really am growing up.
Had a lot of fun with some old friends, maybe made some new ones. Hung out with some friends I see less than I'd like to.
Feeling pretty good about everything lately, downloaded at least a hundred new albums which I'm stoked to work my way through. I actually feel super sorry for kids who never get into music, especially punk and all that jazz, they're really missing out.
Also, I saw Inglourious Basterds with my mom and dad on Monday which was super nice for a change. Such an awesome movie, definately Tarantino-esque, especially the ending scenes which had my heart racing constantly. I actually have such an interest in WWII and the holocaust for some reason, so I'm generally a fan of any war movie.
T-minus 9 days till move in. I'm really starting to realize how much I'm gonna miss a lot of my friends, Toronto, and maybe this town a little bit. But I don't think I'm as nervous as I should be. Whatever, there's still another week left before I even pack. Fuck yea.
Another useless post. Fml. Probably just gonna spend the next hour reading

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