Friday, December 18, 2009

science can fly you to the moon. religion will only fly you into a building

So I figured it's been a decent amount of time since I last posted anything. And the only reason I am now is because I can't sleep and it might be cool to get this thing going now that I actually have a life besides drinking every night. There's a lot of things I could write about but I might as well just update the essentials and go from there.
BASICALLY, just finished my first semester of university, it actually feels so unreal. I have to say it wasn't at all what I imagined it would be but I'm liking it so far. I've made a bunch of awesome new friends out in Waterloo, there's some pretty great people out there. Had a lot of fun times, not enough parties in my opinion but I'm guessing everyone's still getting settled. I'm loving living on my own, as much as I miss my parents, my sister, my friends, and my home. My classes rule, I think I've progressed a lot as a musician, at least I hope! I've really cleaned up my act, most people wouldn't recognize me anymore. All in all, it's going pretty fucking well.
I'm home for Christmas now, I definitely didn't stress exams as much as everyone else around me has been, which I'm super grateful for, especially considering I was able to come home the second day of exams. On my second day back, my mom, queen of the random, decided it was time for a new dog, so we drove out to Guelph and picked up our new border collie puppy, Bo, who's the cutest fucking thing ever. Got to see most of my favourite people who I don't get to see as much as I'd like to anymore. Had an awesome night in Toronto on Wednesday, had some drinks with Geoff and Eamon in North York then met up with the crew and went to Punkbar.
I guess what I'm basically getting at is another boring update on how awesome my life is going. I also have an audition coming up for the Ceremonial Guard band in Ottawa, which I'm praying to god I get, considering I'd be making $10 000 for the summer which would help pay for school in a big way. It means working and living in Ottawa from April-August, which obviously fucking sucks, but again, I need that job so badly.
Anyway, went to one of the best shows this month in Guelph with Tanner, Kris, and Tim. Moneen, Sights and Sounds, Lifestory: Monologue, and some rando band. It was actually such an unreal night, every band played amazing sets, and Moneen definitely stole the show. I also got to see Brand New for the first time in November. I don't think I've ever been so excited to see a band, they actually mean so much to me. Crime in Stereo and Glassjaw opened which was fucking sick, and although Brand New didn't play really any songs I was looking forward too, they were still amazing.
I guess that's all there really is to say, basic update, more to come, if anyone actually reads is good!


  1. I still read it haha, keep it coming. I need to start writing mine again.

  2. border collies are the greatest! i have two!
